How can I be referred?

How can I be referred?

The Referral will last for 3 months, which will need to be paid upfront, £60 in total.

All referrals to the program must come from a healthcare provider, such as a GP or social prescriber. They can recommend which conditions are eligible for referral and suggest other options if your condition doesn't qualify for the program.

After being referred what do I do next?
Your details will be sent to Stone / Stafford Leisure centre, here they will review your suitability for the scheme and call you to arrange a consultation and arrange payment

Consultation & Induction

Consultation & Induction

  • Discuss desired outcomes from the scheme
  • Conduct your ‘starting point’ assessment
  • An individual exercise programme, specific to your needs and capabilities, will be devised by your referral consultant, based on the information provided by your health professional

From this point on you are generally able to attend the gym, suitable classes and swimming. Your consultant will book a 6 and 12 week review with you.

After 3 Months

After 3 Months

On completion of the 3 month programme membership can be taken on a heavily reduced rate for up to 12 months, this will be discussed with your health specialist.

If you would like to download a poster for display in your Health Care facility please download the poster below.

For more information please get in touch.