• Rhayader Leisure Centre, Rhayader, United Kingdom

  • Full-time

  • Reference - CD87C9E954


At Freedom Leisure we can offer a friendly working environment that brings lots of variety every day.

If you like talking to people, this is definitely the role for you. We understand that engaging with customers and colleagues is not as easy as it sounds and sometimes comes with experience. We will provide all the training needed to be a successful Lifeguard but we also believe that employing people from a mix of employment backgrounds can offer a wider benefit to our team, some of which might be in their first ever job and need more support from their colleagues.

In the role of Lifeguard, you will ensure the best levels of service are achieved for our customers through offering a friendly, clean and safe facilities.

We’re not looking for the next Duncan Goodhew but you will need to be able to swim competently. If you need extra coaching to get to the level needed to become a lifeguard, don’t worry as one of our excellent swim teachers will be able to support you to improve.

If you want to progress further, we will support this through additional training, both formal and on the job will be key. However, we also appreciate that not everyone wants to ‘move up the ladder’ and that’s absolutely fine with us. What is really important is that you are happy in your work.

At Freedom Leisure we welcome our diverse local community to our centres every day and we want to reflect that same multicultural mix inside our business too. We strive to create an inclusive and diverse workplace where people can be themselves, have the same opportunities and thrive together. Because at Freedom Leisure, You Matter!

Together, we work to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, no matter their age, race, gender, disability or sexual orientation. We aim to be the employer of choice within our industry and we strive for this every day.

In the event that a high volume of suitable applications are received, the post may close prior to the specified closing date. Please apply as soon as possible if interested.

Hours: 37 hours a week, Monday to Sunday - Rota Basis

Yn Freedom Leisure gallwn gynnig amgylchedd gwaith cyfeillgar a llawer o amrywiaeth bob dydd.

Os ydych chi’n hoffi siarad â phobl yna dyma’r rôl i chi yn bendant. Rydyn ni’n deall nad yw meithrin perthynas â chwsmeriaid a chydweithwyr mor hawdd ag y mae’n swnio a weithiau fe ddaw gyda phrofiad. Byddwn yn darparu’r holl hyfforddiant angenrheidiol i fod yn Achubwr Bywyd llwyddiannus ond rydyn ni hefyd yn credu fod cyflogi pobl o gymysgedd o gefndiroedd cyflogaeth yn gallu bod yn fwy buddiol i’n tîm, efallai bydd rhai yn eu swydd gyntaf erioed ag angen rhagor o gefnogaeth oddi wrth eu cydweithwyr.

Yn eich rôl fel Achubwr Bywyd, byddwch yn sicrhau bod y lefelau gorau o wasanaeth yn cael eu cyflawni i’n cwsmeriaid drwy gynnig cyfleusterau cyfeillgar, glân a diogel.

Dydyn ni ddim yn chwilio am y Duncan Goodhew nesaf ond bydd yn angenrheidiol eich bod chi’n gallu nofio’n bur dda. Os oes angen hyfforddiant ychwanegol arnoch chi i gyrraedd y lefel angenrheidiol i fod yn achubwr bywyd, peidiwch â phoeni, achos bydd un o’n hathrawon nofio ardderchog yn gallu’ch cefnogi chi i wella.

Os ydych am wneud cynnydd pellach, byddwn yn cefnogi hyn drwy hyfforddiant ychwanegol, yn ffurfiol ac fel rhan o’r swydd. Fodd bynnag, rydyn ni hefyd yn gwerthfawrogi nad yw pawb am ‘ddringo’r ysgol’ ac mae hynny’n hollol iawn gyda ni. Yr hyn sy’n wirioneddol bwysig yw eich bod chi’n hapus yn eich gwaith.

Yn Freedom Leisure rydyn ni’n croesawu ein cymuned leol amrywiol i’n canolfannau bob dydd ac rydym am adlewyrchu’r un gymysgedd amlddiwylliannol y tu fewn i’n busnes hefyd. Ymdrechwn i greu gweithle cynhwysol ac amrywiol ble gall pobl fod yn nhw eu hunain, cael yr un cyfleoedd a ffynnu gyda’i gilydd. Achos yn Freedom Leisure, Rydych Chi’n Bwysig!

Gyda’n gilydd, rydym ni’n creu gweithle ble mae pawb yn teimlo wedi ei werthfawrogi, waeth beth yw ei oed, hil, rhywedd, anabledd neu gyfeiriadedd rhywiol. Ein nod yw bod y cyflogwr dewisol o fewn ein diwydiant ac ymdrechwn i gyrraedd y nod hwnnw bob dydd.

Os byddwn yn derbyn nifer fawr o geisiadau addas, mae’n bosibl y bydd y swydd yn cau cyn y dyddiad cau penodol. Ymgeisiwch cyn gynted ag sy’n bosibl os oes diddordeb gennych.

Oriau: 37 awr yr wythnos, Dydd Llun – Dydd Sul (ar sail rota)


  • An ability and understanding of how to relate to customers of all ages and abilities and also to all levels of staff
  • Well developed interpersonal skills
  • Team orientated approach, able to work across organisation boundaries and demonstrate interest and be supportive of the work of staff and colleagues
  • To be able to work flexibly and understand instructions from managers
  • Demonstrated passion and energy for the leisure industry
  • Flexible and adaptable


  • Gallu a dealltwriaeth o sut i ymwneud â chwsmeriaid o bob oed a gallu, a hefyd pob lefel o staff.
  • Sgiliau rhyngbersonol datblygedig
  • Agwedd o weithio fel tîm, yn gallu gweithio ar draws ffiniau’r sefydliad a dangos diddordeb a chefnogi gwaith staff a chydweithwyr.
  • Gallu gweithio’n hyblyg a deall cyfarwyddiadau gan reolwyr
  • Dangos angerdd ac egni i’r diwydiant hamdden
  • Yn hyblyg ac ystwyth


We want you to love coming to work, feeling healthy, happy and valued. That's why we've developed a benefits package with you in mind, so what can we offer you?

  • My Staff Shop, our very own staff benefit scheme, gives employees access to a great range of benefits. Get discounts on cinema tickets, travel bookings, high street e-vouchers, gift cards, days out, leisure activities and your day to day spending.
  • Discounted Staff membership (including family members)
  • Incremental holidays
  • 24/7 / Employee Assistance Programme - 24/7 confidential, independent and professional counselling.
  • Company pension
  • Various insurance and saving schemes
  • Financial advice
  • Cycle-to-work and Car Leasing tax-efficient schemes (salaried staff only, depending on earnings).
  • All this as well as fully funded training and career progression opportunities in a team working environment

Rydym am i chi fod wrth eich bodd yn dod i’r gwaith, gan deimlo’n iach, yn hapus ac yn cael eich gwerthfawrogi. Dyna pam ein bod ni wedi datblygu pecyn buddion gyda chi mewn golwg. Felly beth allwn ni ei gynnig i chi?

  • Fy Siop Staff, ein cynllun buddion staff ni’n hunain sy’n rhoi mynediad i weithwyr at amrywiaeth grêt o fuddion. Gallwch gael gostyngiadau i docynnau sinema, archebu teithiau, e-dalebau’r stryd fawr, cardiau rhodd, gwibdeithiau, gweithgareddau hamdden a’r hyn rydych yn ei wario o ddydd i dydd.
  • Disgownt Aelodaeth staff (gan gynnwys aelodau o’r teulu)
  • Gwyliau cynyddol
  • Rhaglen Cymorth i Weithwyr – cwnsela cyfrinachol, annibynnol a phroffesiynol 24/7
  • Pensiwn y cwmni
  • Amrywiol gynlluniau yswiriant a chynilo
  • Cyngor ariannol
  • Seiclo i’r gwaith a chynlluniau treth-effeithiol Prydlesu Car (staff ar gyflog yn unig, yn ddibynnol ar enillion).
  • Hyn oll yn ogystal â hyfforddiant wedi’i ariannu’n llwyr a chyfleoedd dilyniant gyrfaol mewn amgylchedd gwaith tîm sy’n cefnogi eich cymuned leol i wella bywydau drwy hamdden.

Closing date: 28th March 2025 / Dyddiad cau: 28 Mawrth 2024

Salary: up to £22,069 per annum / Cyflog: hyd at £22,069 y flwyddyn

Freedom Leisure collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws.If you are a European Job Applicant see the privacy notice for further details.
Freedom Leisure does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, colour, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other reason prohibited by law in provision of employment opportunities and benefits

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