Born to Move

Born to Move

Born to Move is our junior membership available across our Freedom Leisure East Northamptonshire Centres.

If your child's school is already a part of our Born to Move Programme, they can benefit from our low-cost Born to Move Membership:

  • Born to Move Membership for 8-10 years provides access to swimming facilities at Splash Leisure Pool in Rushden and the Nene Centre in Thrapston.
  • Born to Move Membership for 11-17 years: Includes the above features, plus gym access at the Pemberton Centre, Nene Centre and Splash Leisure Pool (14 - 17 year olds for Splash), with certain equipment restrictions.
About Born to Move Memberships

About Born to Move Memberships

Available at:

  • Nene Centre
  • Splash Leisure Pool
  • Pemberton Centre

To enquire please contact

What our customers are say about our Born to Move Membership

“It’s helped me get fitter and feel better in myself. I’ve found it’s helped with my mental health because I feel like I’m accomplishing something. My discipline has improved and it’s helping me go forward in life.”


Born to Move member

“I’m so pleased with the service Freedom Leisure is providing. My son is always very keen to come and speaks highly of all the staff. The Freedom Leisure centres have really had a positive impact on his mental health and well-being.”


Parent, whose son is a member

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