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Unlimited Membership

Our unlimited adult membership is perfect for those looking for full access.

What’s included in the Unlimited Membership?

Membership journey induction package

5 free fitness coaching sessions at the site of your choice to get your fitness journey started

Full access to our cities gyms

With 6 gyms across Brighton and Hove you can fit in a work out wherever you are!

Get started with us today

Our fabulous team members are ready to step in and help you get started with your membership. Start your health journey with us today.

Membership Details

Monthly or Annual Payments

Choose between monthly or annual billing. Annual memberships qualify for our 12 months for the price of 9 promotion!

Ready to join?

Ready to join?

Our fabulous team members are ready to step in and help you get started with your membership, to become a member of the Freedom Leisure community enquire today!