What is this scheme?

What is this scheme?

The scheme is a 12-week programme that requires full participation to encourage you to start living a healthier lifestyle. During these 12 weeks you will be encouraged to increase your physical activity levels and improve the quality of your lifestyle where needed. Our aim is to improve your general health, and hopefully as a direct result, alleviate any medical conditions that may affect you. All our one-to-one appointments and group physical activity sessions are supervised by a qualified, experienced staff that are there to help and guide you whenever necessary. 

Who is this scheme for?

Who is this scheme for?

  • The scheme is for any one over the age of 18yrs
  • Registered with a Somerset GP Practice
  • Ready and willing to make a change
  • Not meeting the 150 min of moderate physical activity per week
  • Has one or more medical conditions 
  • Mobility allows for safe and independent exercise
What activities are included?

What activities are included?

  • Supervised gym sessions
  • Seated exercise classes
  • Specific classes for Parkinsons and Stroke patients (Westlands Sport and Fitness Centre)
  • Specific circuit-based studio class and mindfulness and movement class
  • Swimming
How can I get started?

How can I get started?

Any health professional, such as a Doctor, Practice Nurse, Physiotherapist or Hospital Consultant can refer you to the Exercise referral scheme.

The health professional will have to complete an official referral form. On receipt of your referral form, the Exercise Referral coordinator will contact you to arrange your initial consultation.

NEW Covid Rehabilitation Programme

NEW Covid Rehabilitation Programme

Freedom Leisure are offering a FREE 12-week COVID Rehabilitation Programme for anyone who is recovering from COVID-19 and coping with affects on both body and mind

The programme offers low intensity exercise and education on managing breathlessness, coping with fatigue, low mood and anxiety, improved sleeping and healthy eating to support recovery.

If you can answer yes to any of the following questions due to lasting COVID symptoms then this could be the programme for you:

  • Shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle pain and weakness
  • Anxiety and low mood
  • Memory loss and sleep problems
  • Struggling to return to activity levels pre-illness

You can self-refer on to the programme, we just ask that you complete this simple form and one of our Exercise Referral Specialists will give you a call to discuss next steps.

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