What's included in the Programme?
Programmes run by us include: exercise on referral, weight management programmes, health circuits, aqua rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation and many more.
If you are interested in being referred to your local Health Referral programme please contact your local GP to find out more.
Health Referral Activities
Aqua Exercise
Exercising in the water is great for anyone that could benefit from low impact, water-based exercise. We offer GP Referral Hydro Spin and circuits based workouts in the water.
Taylor Made Gym Workouts
When joining our health referral scheme you have the option to work one-to-one with one of our health referral team. They will provide you with a bespoke training plan to suit your individual needs.
Health Referral Circuit Classes
Do you have health conditions that may benefit from regular, low impact exercise? Health Referral Circuits offer a fun, low intensity group exercise session.
Cardiac Phase IV
Phase IV is a structured programme of exercise that follows on from hospital rehabilitation. It is an exercise and education programme for people recovering from heart attacks, heart surgery and cardiac interventions.
We offer two types of health referral membership, a pay as you go and an unlimited access to all our health referral classes.
What is a Health Referral Scheme?
- Exercise and health referral schemes are designed to help people who would benefit from regular exercise.
- Physical activity can play an important role in preventing and managing health conditions such as; coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, mental health problems, musculoskeletal conditions and some cancers.
- It also has a positive effect on wellbeing and mood, providing a sense of achievement or relaxation and release from daily stress.
- Programmes run by us include: exercise on referral, weight management programmes, health circuits, aqua rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation and many more.
- Our specialist exercise referral instructors will promote and support your on-going health and wellbeing, every step of the way.
If you are interested in being referred to your local Health Referral programme please contact your local GP to find out more. Your health professional can refer to us by simply clicking on the 'Health Referral Form' button. The online Health Referral Form will be sent to our team.
Information about our health referral service
If you have a health condition that would benefit from regular activity and exercise then this scheme is for you.
- Ask your GP / health professional to refer you to us
- Your health professional can refer to us by simply clicking on the 'Health Referral Form' button. The online Health Referral Form will be sent to our team.
- One of our exercise referral specialists will review the form, and contact you to arrange a consultation and initial assessment at your desired freedom leisure centre.
- Upon meeting our exercise referral specialist, we can discuss your fitness goals and any health conditions, and then devise an exercise plan aiming to improve your health and wellbeing.
- An initial fitness assessment will provide a baseline for us to create and tailor an exercise routine for you.
- Membership: we work alongside health professionals in the area to provide a broad range of activity and exercise options for the local community. If you have been referred to us under the health referral scheme, we have options to suit you and can be tailored to your needs. We offer a pay as you go option and a discounted direct debit option.
Health Referral Scheme Price List
- 60min GP referral assessment - £39.50 (not applicable on a Direct Debit membership)
Select a Health Referral Membership
- Health referral Direct Debit: £39.50 per month for 6 months (no joining fee)
- Health referral pay as you go: £5.95 per gym session
Following the 6 month scheme, continuing membership options will be provided.
What our customers say about our Health Referral Scheme
I would just like to say that I have enjoyed my time at the classes, Karen, Fiona, Donna and Lindsay are great instructors and I have met some….
Lindsay's class is prefect for people of all ages and fitness levels and she is very attentive. Always checks on history or any injuries and….
Class attendee
Being a member of Arun Leisure Centre has had a huge impact on my life and wellbeing. I feel healthier, stronger and I see my body shape changing….
I wanted to have PT to push myself in to new ways of training; I wanted to be able to lift heavier with correct technique. My ultimate goal is….
Frequently Asked Questions
You can register through your GP.
Please provide us with a list of medication when you come in for your assesment.
Yes you can bring a carer along to support you.
You will need to have an assessment with one of our health referral instructors so we can plan your journey.
Please wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in. Please do not wear jeans.
No you can be a complete beginner. We will guide and support you every step of the way.
There is an initial charge for the assessment if you go onto our health referral pay as you go membership. If you decide to take out a direct debit or annual membership then there is no charge for the assessment. Please speak to the membership team for more information.
With our health referral membership you can attend all our health referal classes plus any classes your instructor recommends.